Usually starting at the shoulders or bust, icons are finished with a choice of solid colour, graident or simle pattern shapes
Circular shapes are standard but other options can be discussed
designed if preferred.
Inked Drawing
Bust €30
Half body €40
Fullbody €50
An inked drawing, with your choice of simple colour or pattern background.

Half Body, Illustration style
+50% per additonal chacter
A half body commission starts at the hips or upper thighs depending on preference.
They come with your choice of solid background, gradient, or more complex background depending on commission elements.
Full- Body, Illustration style
+50% per additonal chacter
Full body commissions are a full character in a pose of your choosing, fully rendered in my style.
These also come with a solid colour, gradient or pattern background of your choice, or a complex or themed background at additional cost.

Half Body, Full-render
+50% per additonal chacter
A half body commission starts at the hips or upper thighs depending on preference.
They come with your choice of solid background, gradient, or more complex background depending on commission elements.