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Sídhe Series
An exploration into the veil between worlds
The Sídhe series plays on the idea of parting the veil, and entering a world within worlds, a concept consistent throughout Irish folklore and mythology.
This in-between space is closed off from the modern day, and in it you are surrounded by the abstract faces of the Sídhe, the Fae of Ireland that were once considered gods.
These one-godly, etheral beings hold a court-like presence, above humaity yet now rendered lowly supersition by modren thought.
The Sídhe invites the viewer to spend a moment with the ethereal beings of old Ireland, and then step back beyond the veil into the bustle of modern life.
Sídhe Series: Welcome
Sídhe Series: Work
The Sídhe Series is an immersive textile installtion that I produced in my final year of college.
These abstact, nature-themed watercolours I created while considering the Sídhe, the ancient fae people of ireland, connected with the land and less human than we remember them .
I then ran these paintings through a digital process and used a heat-induction method of printmaking to transfer them onto semi-translucent gauze.
Sídhe Series: Text
Sídhe Series: Pro Gallery
In an exibtion setting, this series is designed to play on multiple elements of irish folklore at once.
They hang in a circle, requiring the viewer to 'part the veil' in order to interact with the work.
Once entered, the veils close around the viewer and encircle them, creating a world between worlds in which the viewer is fully immered, caught in a faerie circle in a modern world.
Sídhe Series: Text
Sídhe Series: Pro Gallery
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